Release your inner Mad Scientist / Cat Lover / Human Disliker by proclaiming, "If I had a shrink ray my cat would have so many humans to eat." A sci-fi fantasy that is both adorable and horrifying. GET THE T-SHIRT!

Check out my Making Bad Movies video on YouTube.
For Valentine’s Day I have drawn myself as a human boombox flipping the sexy switch on this love machine. GET THE T-SHIRT!
T-Shirts created by JARHUMOR! T-shirts that let people know that you have a sense of humor and a love of Aliens, Robots, Monsters, and other Sci-fi Horror stuff! Check'em out HERE!
This mutant space octopus did try to blow up Earth and enslave the human race, but he hopes that you’re willing to just hug it out, bro. Inspired by the b-movie classic Octaman. GET THE T-SHIRT!

Oh My God! That dream where you wake up in Nilbog and the Troll 2 Queen (Creedence Leonore Gielgud) played by Deborah Reed turns you into a house plant then lumber jacks you. You know that dream, right? No. Oh, well. Check out my Bad Movie Comic video.
Thug Life. Pew! Pew! Pew! GET THE T-SHIRT!
Movies with Monsters, Aliens, Ghosts, or Giant Bugs are considered silly by some, but for me they are genuine works of surreal art, and a whole lot of fun. Watch this video on YouTube.
T-Shirts created by JARHUMOR! T-shirts that let people know that you have a sense of humor and a love of Aliens, Robots, Monsters, and other Sci-fi Horror stuff! Check'em out HERE!