The Creeping Eye

It's going to creep over to where you're at AND Look at you! The Creeping Eye! Prepare to feel Awkward. A parody of the horror classic The Crawling Eye. GET THE T-SHIRT!

For years I loved making low-budget bad movies with my friends. Now, I just draw stuff about making crappy Monster Movies and Sci-fi Schlock. Watch this video on YouTube.

T-Shirts created by JARHUMOR! T-shirts that let people know that you have a sense of humor and a love of Aliens, Robots, Monsters, and other Sci-fi Horror stuff! Check'em out HERE!

If you enjoy Sci-fi Horror Comedy, check out my T-Shirts!

The Monster That Made Me Crap My Pants! A parody of the B-movie classic The Monster That Challenged The World. GET THE T-SHIRT!

Vampires know a lot about sucking because they’ve been in a bunch of awful horror movies. Also, they suck people’s blood… Hey, yeah… they suck blood! ...I just got it. GET THE T-SHIRT!

The Thing With Too Many Eyes! A monster with even more eyes than the b-movie classic The Beast With A Million Eyes! GET THE T-SHIRT!

T-Shirts created by JARHUMOR! T-shirts that let people know that you have a sense of humor and a love of Aliens, Robots, Monsters, and other Sci-fi Horror stuff! Check'em out HERE!