AWFUL MOVIES FROM EARTH! A humorous collection of bad movie comics, parody sci-fi art, and scenes from spoof b-movie screenplays, like CHAINSAW ZOMBIE SLEEPOVER and LASER SWORD JONES VS. THE JIVE-ASS SPACE MONSTER! Get the book on Amazon!
Cartoonist James A. Roberson (JARHUMOR) presents the humor and horror of no-budget filmmaking through comics, parody sci-fi art, and spoof b-movie screenplays. It’s all the fun of an alien invasion and a midnight movie featuring monsters, aliens, robots, and psycho killers (that make terrible puns before they attack!)
Comics and Art from the Book...
Bad Movie Comics...
Parody Monster Movie Posters...
Cult Movie Comics...
Comics about movie nerds (like me)...
B-Movie Screenplays...
About Me...
Hello, I'm James A. Roberson (known as JARHUMOR on the internet.) I am a major Movie / TV nerd who always wanted to become a filmmaker or actor; I ended up as a Cartoonist that creates comics about the making of bad movies. I also create parody sci-fi art for t-shirts and I write spoof b-movie screenplays, (which I act out in YouTube videos.) ...It's almost the filmmaking and acting career I wanted.
"I'm a Cartoonist who just
"I'm a Cartoonist who just
wanted to make Bad Movies."
-James A. Roberson (JARHUMOR)