Alien Comic Attack!

From the far reaches of space come some Bad Movie Comics with Alien or Outer Space stuff happening in them. If you enjoy Sci-fi Horror Comedy, check out my T-Shirts! More Comics...

For years I loved making low-budget bad movies with my friends. Now, I just draw stuff about making crappy Monster Movies and Sci-fi Schlock. Watch this video on YouTube.

T-Shirts created by JARHUMOR! T-shirts that let people know that you have a sense of humor and a love of Aliens, Robots, Monsters, and other Sci-fi Horror stuff! Check'em out HERE!

If you enjoy Sci-fi Horror Comedy, check out my T-Shirts!

Check out my Killer Comic Attack!

Movies with Monsters, Aliens, Ghosts, or Giant Bugs are considered silly by some, but for me they are genuine works of surreal art, and a whole lot of fun. Watch this video on YouTube!

T-Shirts created by JARHUMOR! T-shirts that let people know that you have a sense of humor and a love of Aliens, Robots, Monsters, and other Sci-fi Horror stuff! Check'em out HERE!